Campfire Stories

In 2020, Revery partnered with Google to launch a pilot program called Campfire; a storytelling lab with co-creation at its core. This program was designed to launch original content across multiple channels. The result was a successful model of collaboration between a big tech brand and a small Portland-based studio, operating at the intersection of story and technology.

We delivered dozens of internal communication projects including 41 branded videos, 2 websites, 3 virtual summits, 11 illustration projects, and 3 identity systems.

  • Google | Created at Revery

  • Content Strategy (Google): Samuel Payne

    Executive Creative Producer: Davis Priestly

    Executive Client Director: Rodrigo Moyses

    Senior Creative Producer: Annie Rosick

    Director: Zak Marx

    Illustration: Christopher Vela

    Motion Design: Brian Kinkley

  • Lead Visual Designer

  • Illustration • Storyboarding • Brand Design • Identity Design

From the Revery Case study. view the full case study here

Stories are the coding of any company. By that we mean this: they’re behind everything. Stories are in email threads, in meeting invites, in calendar reminders. Stories are in beautiful build files, in critical user journeys, in sprints, in TL;DRs, and in GVCs. Stories are so integral to the structure of a company that often, we forget they’re there, the invisible wiring that connects us with our colleagues and coworkers. In this case, the Googlers and Nooglers – those at the next desk over, and those on the opposite side of the globe.